· Recognize that each child is an individual and will grow and develop at his/her own pace Meet each child's needs, intellectually, emotionally and physically, in an age-appropriate manner while remembering that each child is unique and will grow and develop at a different rate.
· Treat each child equally and encourage every child to participate. Maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment so that children can feel comfortable to play and learn.
· Make physical contact with students in a way that makes them comfortable e.g. shaking hands, a congratulatory pat on the back, or with very young students by gently guiding them or holding their hand for reassurance or encouragement.
· Make sure that children who are with you are supervised at all times and for all activities, both indoor and outdoor Help families feel comfortable and welcome in your environment, listen to their concerns and be sure to answer any of their questions
· Learn about any special needs that the children may have and maintain confidentiality.
· Ask questions, learn what the children's interests are and base learning on those interests.
· Maintain open and active communication through phone calls, conferences and daily conversation.
· Share the children's emotional and intellectual development with families.
· Be supportive of your fellow co-workers encourage them to grow professionally and congratulate them on achievements.
· Behave professionally at all times.
· If a co-worker is not behaving professionally, especially toward a child, the matter needs to be resolved or reported.
· The safety of the children always comes first. Provide the best-quality care you can and remain loyal to the cause of special education.
· Enhance your knowledge on special education and attend to classes and trainings provided.
· Record and act on complaints of abuse.
· Never put down a child or label them or allow others to label them.
· Never leave a class unattended or dismiss students early from a lesson so that they are left unsupervised.
· Never engage in rough physical games.
· Never shout angrily at students or intimidate them.
· Never indulge in public disciplining or humiliating a student as punishment or as an example to other students.
· Never throw an object such as a duster, chalk, ball or book at a student to get their attention.
· Never indulge in corporal punishment, such as hitting, smacking or caning of students.
· Never give gifts or money to students as a reward or incentive for good behaviour or as a gesture of friendship.
· Never converse about sexual matters unrelated to a syllabus or telling jokes of sexual nature with students, make obscene gestures and show inappropriate videos.
· Never indulge in any form of harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal abuse, intimidation in workplace and on duty.
· Never develop relationship with children or other vulnerable persons that could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive.
· Our vision is founded on our belief that the fundamental base for the care of special needs children is an environment that is healthy, encouraging, supportive and above all, loving.
· In order to support this, following commitments and code of conduct is expected from all associated with our activities.